The Oxford Pin Bag (Pre-Order): June - July Update 2
Hiya everyone!
I have wonderful news! The Oxford Pin Bags have begun arriving! They were stuck in customs for quite a while and they all actually got separated since there are so many 50lb boxes of 600+ bags. So they'll trickle in all through the following weeks, but I have received a good amount of bags to start quality checking and shipping soon. I would like to take photos of the bags before I start shipping, so you can all see how the bags turned out. They honestly look so wonderful, and I'm incredibly happy with the upgrades I made throughout this whole pre-order!
What to expect from here:
*Please keep in mind that I am the sole person behind my shop. I disclaimed it may take a few months to fulfill all pre-orders and that the pre-order time was subject to change.*
I'll be inspecting and cleaning each individual bag to make sure they are up to my standards.
I will then pack all of its parts (since it includes 3 straps) and double bag the Oxford Pin Bag, so it's protected. I will also be packing the freebie pins and other items that might have been included in your pre-order (i.e. if you ordered additional pins or stickers, etc.)
I will then carefully pack the bag in a brown corrugated box and drop them off to USPS to deliver.
If you have any issues with the process and timeframe, please let me know, as I am still accepting cancellations and refunds up until your pre-order has been shipped.
If you have any address changes, please send them to me ASAP! Or if you would like to double check if you sent me your new address, feel free to ask! I am not responsible for any bags that are delivered to an incorrect address that was provided in the original pre-order (without notice of an address change).
Thank you so much everyone for your patience with this pre-order! I'll be back with photos this weekend!
Thank you so much,