The Mini Mouse Bag & The Mini Park Bag (Pre-Order): August Update
Hi everyone!
I hope you're having a wonderful August so far! Here are the updates for this month!
August Update Summary:
The Mini Mouse and Mini Park Bags are about 75% done! I'm expecting to receive some updated photos from my manufacturer soon, and I'll send them your way immediately so you have concrete proof that the bags are indeed being made and almost finished!
Proof of modifications: I do have some photos from earlier this week when I confirmed one of the modifications I mentioned in the pre-order information. Something I improved with these bags was how the bag would lay against your body when used as a crossbody. The original Mini Mouse Bags would lean forward due to the placement of the D rings on the side. Although still functional, it wasn't ideal. With these upgraded Mini Mouse & Mini Park Bags, I moved the D rings higher so it would no longer lean forward and also made a stylistic choice to how the D ring would be attached so the design was more cohesive and elevated. Below is a photo of the D ring on the side being placed higher now with the new way it'll be attached stylistically and also one of my manufacturer's employees modeling how the bag will rest on your body when used as a crossbody! You can also kind of see the updated strap that is thicker for comfort and the thicker lobster clasps on the straps. Again, better photos will be sent soon!
If you haven't yet or you want to re-read my information page about the pre-order process for the Mini Mouse & Mini Park Bags, I've linked it below for your reference!
The Mini Mouse Bag PRE-ORDER INFO
This page includes turnaround time, shipping, cancellations, etc.
The Mini Park Bag PRE-ORDER INFO
This page includes turnaround time, shipping, cancellations, etc.
REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS: If you're interested in cancelling your pre-order because you're no longer interested, money's tight, etc. (I get it, life happens), I will not withhold from sending you a refund if that is something you prefer. Please email me as soon as possible at to inquire.
If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Thank you so much,
P.S. If you cancelled your pre-order but are still in this email thread, feel free to let me know and I will manually remove you!