The Mini Mouse Bag & The Mini Park Bag (Pre-Order): October Update 2

Hello friends!

I just wanted to follow up on my last email with the Mini Mouse and Mini Park Bags. They have been shipped, and they are currently on their way to me! Once the bags have arrived, I’ll be quality inspecting, cleaning, and packing each bag before shipping them to pre-order buyers! If you have any address changes, please email me at for these address changes!

Update Summary:

  • The Mini Mouse and Mini Park Bags have shipped to my address! Please send address changes ASAP!

Once again, here are photos of the bags taken by my manufacturer as proof that they have finished! I have asked for one of each bag to be sent to me early, so I can take proper photos for everyone.

Thank you so much again your patience with this pre-order! 

REFUNDS/CANCELLATIONS: If you're interested in cancelling your pre-order because you're no longer interested, money's tight, etc. (I get it, life happens), I will not withhold from sending you a refund if that is something you prefer. Please email me as soon as possible at to inquire. 

If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Thank you so much,


P.S. If you cancelled your pre-order but are still in this email thread, feel free to let me know and I will manually remove you! 




The Mini Mouse Bag & The Mini Park Bag (Pre-Order): September-October Update